Thursday, August 8, 2013


     So I guess I shouldn't have kept up with the group for water aerobics on Monday.  My legs randomly get weak and my back and chest spasm every time I change position.  I've had sore muscles before but this is ridiculous!  Even laying down hurts and I don't like taking pain killers...not a good combo.

     On a good note, my scans came back clear.  I go in Tuesday to see where my counts are at and if they are good we will start treatment 7 (I had it wrong before).


  1. try not to hurt yourself megan....lite exercise is probably better until you get through all this stuff. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. I figured water aerobics would be lite exercise and then I was having so much fun moving to the music that I just kept pushing. The uncomfortable sensations only lasted a day or two. I'm taking it much slower at the gym now.

  3. Good for you. Getting fit sounds like fun! (With you!)
