Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So far so good

     So this is the week that has been a problem in the past.  My last two inpatient treatments I've landed in the hospital about a week after treatment with a fever.  I'm still at home and my temp is normal...So far so good.  I've been scrapbooking.  Finally starting a book on all my animals at work.

     I did attempt to make baked green tomatoes.  They were ok.  I don't think they would have been better if they were fried and certainly the health trade off would not be worth it.  I also made tuna pasta.  I used to eat this dish all the time.  Whole grain pasta, celery, onion, green pepper, tuna fish and lemon...yum.


  1. How is Jeremy handling the messy table? You tomatoes look good.

  2. he is ok with my messy table :)
