Sunday, August 11, 2013

it's a beautiful Sunday

     I love Sundays.  It's big paper day.  We make breakfast, I get my cup of coffee and sit down to read the paper.

     Friday, was movie night with the girls.  We watched Red in preparation for Red 2 tonight at the theater.  mmm popcorn!  Yesterday was shopping and the gym.  I spent my time in the hot pool doing some of the exercises I learned from the class.

     Today, I'm moving it to the treadmill and then maybe the pool for fun.  I need to redo one of the tests from my wellness assessment.  My vo2 max was 18...It should be at least 27.  It could be related to where my body is at in between treatments.  I'm at the point where activities take more effort than they should, I get a little dizzy when I stand and my heart rate just always seems elevated.  We shall see if it's any better today.  My resting heart rate was at 96 last time.  A good rate would be 60-70 I think.

     Does anyone use the swype function on any touch screen device?  I'm having this issue where one letter will not work and if you cross over it, it screws up your word.  Two days ago it was the e.  Today, it is the f.  I find this very frustrating.  Anyone have any suggestions?  My screen is clean, my stylus is new and all the other letters work.

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