Wednesday, August 21, 2013

very good day

     This day seemed to go by fast, which is great.  I started watching Orange is the new black...very good show.  Took a nice hot shower.  Met up with 2 friends for arts in medicine (the volunteers get upset when you call it arts and crafts).  I started an origami book.  It's nice to do something new.  I'll take pics soon but im in bed now, getting ready for chemo and an episode of the new show.  Lunch was delicious.  You can't say that very often.  Black beans and rice, plaintains and chicken...not dry at all.  Burger for dinner.  Snuggled with Jeremy for a few hours watching tv.  Going from king size to a hospital bed is a big difference.  Its funny to watch us both try and get comfortable.  It is my favorite time of day though and I usually end up falling asleep on him.  This is night 3...2 more nights and I go home to m

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