Friday, August 2, 2013


     Just kidding...everyday is Friday for me.  This particular Friday is a low key Friday.  I got my neulasta shot Wednesday which means today my bones hurt.  It's mostly just my jaw and teeth that hurt but occasionally a leg or arm or lower back will make itself known for a minute.  Again, small price to pay in the grand scheme and if it keeps me out of the hospital in between treatments I'll gladly lay all day long in slight discomfort.  I do happen to have two of the best snugglers in the world to help me feel like laying around all day isn't a waste of time.  Love my guys!

     So I was poking around this blog and found a stats section.  In the beginning, I made this 'invite only' but changed it because it seemed too complicated.  I justified it as someone would really have to be looking for my blog to find it.  Well I seem to have more than a few followers in Russia.  There were a couple other countries but the numbers were insignificant.

     That's all the interesting things I have for today.  Hope everyone had a great weekend and happy Friday to all!


  1. That's interesting that you have followers in Russia

  2. That's interesting that you have followers in Russia

  3. International interest! That's cool!
