Thursday, August 22, 2013

Almost done

     Got back to the room about an hour ago.  I made some more 'pages' in my origami book.  I got glue all over my fingers. I forgot how much I like to pick it off.  Weird.  Waiting on dinner right now.  It's just some soup and fruit.  Jeremy is bringing me a delicious publix sub.  Just couldn't get on board with the daily specials today.  I've almost exhausted all of the hot items on the special menu.  I'm not trying to eat hamburgers everyday.  Looking forward to having dinner with my husband too.  Maybe we will sit at a table somewhere.  There is another art thing this evening...who thinks I will be able to get Jeremy to paint with me? Hehe, we shall see.  Just doesn't seem like his thing. I'll post a pic if he does something.  I have some pics from the book and one of a string painting to add to the wall. A friend made it...I'm not that talented.  She is an art major and it shows.
I made the rhino after a friend sent a pic of one of our rhinos reacting to another rhinos urine.  It's called fleming...she is not trying to eat a tiny tree.


  1. How nice the art work is. Good luck getting J to paint.

  2. I miss you and reading your blog. I seem to get into things and lose touch and come back. I'm back now! The paintings are great!
