Wednesday, August 14, 2013

     Well I did absolutely nothing yesterday.  I fed myself breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.      I cleaned up the dvr and started reading a new book, Forbidden Strawberries.  It's a woman's recount of her experience during the holocaust.  I read a book earlier this summer, Sarah's Key, that (not to sound corny) touched my heart.  That has sparked an interest in reading about other people's experiences.  In this book I'm currently reading, the woman's family was a wealthy one.  They avoided the trains for a long time.  At the halfway point in the book the girl has lost her family and other adults around her are looking out for her.  She writes as if spending the day scrunched up above the fire place in a niche until dinner time for months was nothing.  If that doesn't put things into perspective, nothing will.  Sometimes I get down because there are things I can't do and I feel like I currently have no purpose and I just sit on the couch all day.  I have nothing to complain about.  How could I possibly feel sorry for myself?

     Today, I was more productive.  Instead of making breakfast and sitting down in front of the tv, I put my suit on and went to the gym.  I met a lady with one leg.  She was a machine! I can't even guess how many laps she did without taking a break.  I was able to do 2 laps before I had to take a second.  After about 40 minutes, I enjoyed the hot pool and the sauna.   I hit the post office and dropped off a donation at Good Will.  I went to publix...Jeremy sent me on a mission to get a big cake for work.  I found a recipe and picked up stuff to make a delicious dinner...paella.

     Now I'm deciding whether to do the splash fitness class or yogalates tomorrow.  I'll finish deciding tomorrow when I get there.  :)


  1. Hi Megan,
    Well it sounds like you have had quite a busy day. 😊
    I am happy you have do much energy ! Keep it up but don't overdo either. Stay well dear .
    Love Donna

  2. You have a purpose you just don't see it. You empower other people who know you to be strong like you. People are learning their strengths from your journey so never feel you have no purpose.You inspire people to be stronger like you. xoxoxoxo

  3. You have a purpose you just don't see it. You empower other people who know you to be strong like you. People are learning their strengths from your journey so never feel you have no purpose.You inspire people to be stronger like you. xoxoxoxo
