Tuesday, August 6, 2013

well that's just great

    Yesterday started out good.  I woke up with 40 minutes to get to the aqua class...plenty of time.  I more than kept up with the class and had no bad side effects.  Enjoyed the hot pool and the sauna before going home.  Grabbed some delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee.  Went home and took a nap.  Around 2, I drove out to a farmer's market I've never been to.  Great selection and decent prices.  I bought way too many vegetables.  I cleaned them all and proceeded to cut them up.  I was almost done and then I cut part of my finger and nail off.  Not good!  For 5 months I took extra care to not hurt myself and I did a good job.  I was being so careful chopping up those vegetables too...well, apparently not.

     So what does this mean for me...nothing good.  If my counts are low and it gets infected, I get another hospital stay and possibly push back my next treatment.  I am afraid this isn't going to heal quickly so I'll need to be extra, extra careful about keeping it clean which means my left hand is out of commission.  No swimming or saunas for me.  Probably shouldn't go to the gym at all for awhile.  I was going to take mom to the brunchery and the gardens in St Pete today as our last fun day before she heads back to MI.  Now, we are going to spend the day in the house, airing out my finger.  We will finally make that jambalaya I've been talking about.  Although mom will probably be doing most of the work now.
phooey! (yucky photo warning)

I made this picture smaller so it will be less gross and...

gave you a large picture of Charlie and his most recent haircut.

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