Monday, June 3, 2013

As smooth as a...

     ...babies bottom!  That is my head at the moment.  I was really nervous about shaving any closer to the melon but Jeremy did an amazing job.  It is so soft and uniform.  It looks ten times better then the spotty stubble I had before.  I really am a lucky girl.  How many husbands out there would shave their wives heads without objection?  Ok, our circumstances are a little bit different but I still feel like I have one in a million. 

     Jeremy thinks I am pretty amazing because I am not crying in my soup about losing my hair or having to shave my head.  I never really thought about feeling sorry for myself.  Does this totally blow monkey nuts...YES!  Everyone has something going on that sucks.  A friend came over today and his tire blew on his car.   That sucks.  If my thing helps him put his thing in perspective, that's great.  I would never look at him and think or say "oh you think you've got problems?"  I was fortunate enough to work with some great kids when I was younger who had every reason to complain about life and they had some of the best attitudes.  I learned so much from those kids and am forever grateful.  They helped me find perspective.  I see this as a unique adventure, a test in my resolve to be the best me I can be (I know that sounds like a bad army commercial or something but it is how I feel).  I don't have to be the best ever, just the best me. 


  1. You are right on. All of us deal with issues of all sorts. Whats important is how you do it, and you are doing it with grace and style.

  2. You are the best Megan....and you inspire people. keep the upbeat attitude!!!

  3. I needed to hear this today. Thanks :) I had missed reading your blog for a few days and am catching up tonight. It may have been that i needed to skip a few days to hear your message tonight. You do have one in a million. I know another special someone who had a great attitude during her treatments. We have a great group is all I can sum it up to! Love ya :)
