Thursday, June 6, 2013


So I've been at the hospital the last two nights.  I'm hoping I can go home today but I'll tell you its not so bad when you're not in for chemo.  I can actually stomach the hospital food and I get to enjoy more string painting.  I'm doing well, just have some low counts and a fever.  Luckily, moffitt had a bed for me so I did not have to go to Florida General (not as nice there). 

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I go home today and that we don't have any tornadoes...I don't think mom is ready for driving in our rainy/stormy season.  People are terrible drivers down here when it rains especially.  There will likely be 5 accidents from our house to the hospital when she heads out today.

On a happy note, check out what my fabulous husband did for me yesterday...
string paintings above my Grandma Ann's china paintings


  1. Cool art...and don't worry about your Mom don't forget she knows how to drive in snow and ice and florida drivers do suck when it rains and we get the slick roads...they don't know how to slow down. Hope you feel better and go home today.

  2. Hey Megs, I love the paintings. What media did you paint those with? They are FABULOUS. Well Saturday I will be in FL. So close, yet so far away from you. Wish you were going to be with us. Always in our hearts. Next Year. :) Love ya much!!! xoxo

  3. You take a string coated in ink and drag it along the paper which creates a unique pattern and fill in with water colors. The idea is too look at the black ink and pick out an image. I tend to see mostly animals :)
