Friday, June 21, 2013

Maybe a migraine will make you feel better!

     So last night, one of my thermometer readings hit 100.  This makes me feel low because I'm expecting another hospital stay instead of a weekend at home.  This means sitting on the couch double fisted with thermometers taking my temp every 15 minutes until it's time for bed.  I'm still home, so that's good.  Today, I am watching tv and all of a sudden it seems like the guys face is half missing...cue migraine.  All my hard work to not take a pain pill because of chemo side effects down the drain.  My nurse recommended taking it with caffeine.  Luckily Shawn left some mountain dew in the fridge.  It has been more than a decade since I have had that yucky's still yucky!  It was all we had though. 3 hours later migraine is gone, temp is normal and I'm ready to leave the bedroom once again.

     I remember my very first migraine.  I was driving the hot and a half to my parents house from college for my cousin Becky`s wedding.  While in the left lane, the vision thing started. It starts out so small you barely notice it.  It took over my left eye so quickly.  I had no idea what was happening and I was just around the flint area, still in the left lane.   It went away and by the time I got to my parents house my head was splitting right down the middle.

    An exciting story...compelling and rich.  it's all I have for now and it's time to give that 1000 piece hot air balloon puzzle one more try before just going it off the table.  I thought all the colours would make it easier...not the case.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing a hot air balloon was harder than I thought it would be also. LOL!! hardest one I ever did was black cat with green eyes....
