Saturday, June 22, 2013

     Got my head shaved again more brillo pad head.  It was a good day.  I felt good.  J and I met some friends for lunch.  We had pizza which you all know is now my favorite thing to eat.  I love pizza for breakfast but tomorrow french toast (or pancakes) are in order.

     As promised, this is a picture of one of my scarves wrapped the "right" way.  They say there is no wrong way to wrap it and it will never look the same way twice.  I disagree.  If you wrap it and it just falls did it wrong. 
This is no tail
This is with tail and I am showing you the birds on the scarf...I love this scarf! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that scarf too! Lessons for tieing sound fun :)

    I vote for French toast and pancakes ;)
