Monday, June 24, 2013

     We had a very nice weekend.  Saturday, lunch with friends and a walk through a salvage space.  That's right...Jeremy went with me American Pickers style!  Sunday, breakfast with friends and a movie with mom.  We saw Epic.  It was a cute movie.

     I'm keeping it low key today.  I repacked my hospital bag to make sure we are ready to go.  Labs are at 8am tomorrow.  That leads me to hope I will be admitted early if my counts are good.  The reality...I won't be admitted until the evening.  I'll still bring my bag just in case.  It's always better to be prepared.  I'm ready to take charge this time.  I'll not let my caretakers do whatever they want.  They will have to compromise with me because there are just some aspects that don't work and if we can modify a few procedures it will make my stay more comfortable and their job my pleasant.  When they check you in they ask you what your goals are for your stay...I find this a bit silly but I have something to say this time.  My goal is to have a more pleasant stay then the last time which means no vomiting and more activities to get me out of bed.  I've done my part in coming up with what needs to happen to reach my goals...I just need everyone else to follow suit.

This is number 5 people!  Almost halfway there :)


  1. Did ya find anything at the salvage place? Sounds interesting...... I certainly hope your counts are good! Nothing new around here. The boys and I went swimming at the rec center over the weekend! Josh and Jarrod are getting along pretty good lately! Joey is a little fish! He didn't want to leave! He is starting to use the potty on his own without me taking him. I think its do to the older boys being home! Love it! Today we are going to get some physicals done for josh and jarrod!

  2. So this weekend there was a horse show at the crossroads by my house. I thought of you immediately. Then I thought, your passion for these creatures is what helped you know something wasn't right in the beginnings of this path you are now traveling. It made me thankful that your love for horseback may have prevented a worse scenario. Always thinking of you. XOXOX
