Thursday, June 20, 2013

Really...come on!

     Waiting with mom at the clinic.  We are just getting my labs done to see where my numbers are at.  I feel pretty good and am expecting the numbers to reflect that.  I might be able to eat a salad today!

     Saw some friends on Tuesday at a bowling alley.  I did not bowl or touch anything but it was great to see people and get the latest news.  Summer is always a rough time at the park and this one is no exception.  Jeremy and I went for a walk after dinner.  It felt good to get some sort of exercise.  I wish we could do that every night but occasionally its just not in me.

     I stopped by the hair salon at the hospital to get a lesson on scarf tieing.  I also got the cutest hat.

     Well I was going to take pictures but I got some crummy news about my counts and now I'm home in pjs with my scarf off.  Another time.  So yea, my counts are salad for me.  A weekend of avoiding germs and cuts and even then I still might end up with an extra hospital stay.  Hoping treatment goes as planned this Tuesday.  Doc says if my numbers don't go up to 1, we have to wait again.  When I asked what I could do to help them go up...nothing.  Completely out of my hands.  I really don't like that.  Nap time.


  1. Did a whole comment about lots of stuff and just realized it didn't post to your site. So here I go again! I've been reading your blog but just haven't responded in a while. Glad to see the pictures of Shawn and your great new table. I love IKEA and we bought our kitchen cabinets there. Also bought the rolling shelves that Steve uses to house the zillion LPs and 45s he collects. Well, sounds like you had a rough time recently. Sorry about the low count and that there's nothing you can do to fix it. That's a bummer- I hate it when things are not under my control. But that's when you focus on other stuff. You look so good in your different head scarves/hats that I think you should create some new style. I love the look of the ribbon with flowers or other fun things attached to it that they have for babies. So have you thought about making something like that for yourself? You're so creative you'd probably make some really fun stuff to wear. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. Tell Martha hi. Enjoy your nap.

  2. I know the counts can be really tough to deal with. My sister-in-law's father was in and out of the hospital a lot because of low counts. He finally seems to be doing really well. He has leukemia, and has had quite a time of it. Hang in there, girl. You're doing great! :) Love you, cuz!
