Sunday, June 2, 2013

Apologies...when I'm feeling good I get busy!  The last few days have been great.  My bonus mom was staying with us helping out.  We did a little bit of shopping, little bit of unpacking and lots of hanging out/family time (which consists of eating at cool places).  First night out of the hospital, Brian came over and the four of us had pizza.  Felt like old times:)  Friday, Pam and I were able to meet the guys for lunch for some yummy bbq.  That evening I stopped by bowling for rhinos and saw a bunch of friends from work.  Some were unaware of what's been going on with me so it was good for them to see me on a good day.  I won a raffle prize!  An autographed baseball and a t-shirt.  That is on its way to the biggest baseball fan I know in Indy.  After that it was pizza again but at Lee's in Seminole...if you live in Fl and like pizza, do yourself a favour and get some Lee's pizza! Saturday we grilled some delicious burgers at Brian's and just hung out.  It was just what the doctor ordered.  Life gets going and there never seems to be enough time to just hang out.  Well life has slowed down significantly for me so anytime anyone wants to hang out just let me know.

Our place is almost back to normal.  We had packed a bunch of stuff in preparation of moving in a few weeks.  We are no longer moving and so had many boxes to unpack.  It worked out though because I was able to reorganize pretty much everything and get rid of even more stuff.  While packing I didn't throw out as much as I would have because we might have been able to use it in the new place.  It's a different story with unpacking.  I kind of like getting rid of stuff.  You should see how organized my closet looks.  I still have way too many clothes but I made progress.  I wish my closet looked like one of those costs on the hgtv channel after a makeover.  I guess I'll save that for our next place.

I should get back to it.  Jeremy is working alone at the moment while I'm "resting".


  1. I just love reading your posts! It feels like you are just a short drive away! Shawn, Joe, and I saw dad over the weekend. He sure misses ya a whole bunch! Joey played outside on the swings and Shawn tried to show him how to swing on his own. Your dad just watched all the fun. GG was enjoying her joey time too! I am so glad you are doing so good! Miss you.

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