Wednesday, June 26, 2013

     FYI-when your nurse says to 'go down to admitting, they are all ready for you' , that doesn't mean they have a room ready for you.  It means they will put you on a list and call you when a bed is available which apparently might not be today.  So our attempt at starting my 5 night stay on a Tuesday instead of Thursday to make the stay more enjoyable is failing.  At this point I'll take what I can get.  My dad might be able to come down for a visit and I'd rather not be in the hospital for that.  I tell you, I don't feel very independent this independence day!  Well I guess I am still independent.  I just have to wait on the rest of the world to get their crap together so I can move forward with mine.

     My labs are good so once I do get in I won't need a transfusion right away but I'll probably get one before I leave.  At least that is what my doctor says.  What will probably happen is they will give me blood when I first get there which means I can not leave my room for 5 fun hospital activities for me.

    I was all excited when my nurse said they are all ready for you.  Mom and I ran to get some breakfast and rushed back because we thought they had a room for me and we were going to get this treatment started. What a let down.  I'm certainly not looking forward to the hospital.  That is not what is disappointing me.  I'm looking forward to getting it over with and being back home.  That won't happen if we don't get started. There was a lady bug in my car and I set it free today.  If you believe lady bugs bring good luck as I like to still believe, something good should happen today.  We can ponder this and say my labs being good is one thing or maybe something bad is going to happen at the hospital and I will eventually be lucky I was not admitted when I thought I would be. I'll let you know when they admit me and what i think the lucky lady bug brought me.

**UPDATE - I decided ,since I hadn't heard from the ladies in admitting by 5 or 6 like they said I would, to call and check up on the situation at 7pm.  A gentleman answered and said I would not be getting in tonight and that I should call at 9:30am tomorrow to see if anything changed and keep my name on their list.  Further annoyed but honestly I wouldn't want to go in this late anyways.  They wouldn't be able to have my chemo ready for treatment tonight anyways, so I may as well stay in my own bed.

1 comment:

  1. That's very frustrating indeed. I want you to know that your strength and attitude impresses all of us. You no doubt will conquer this and be an inspiration to all who know you. The good luck lady bug did appear for a reason even if you don't get to know why. Keep up the hard work your doing... Your the hero of your life story.
