Tuesday, June 25, 2013

     It's all about staying positive because doing anything less gets you nowhere and does nothing good for you.  Proof...this morning I get a call from the hospital.  The doctor is stuck in Boston due to bad weather and they need to reschedule for tomorrow.  This leaves me feeling slightly annoyed.  There is some mental preparation that goes right along with packing your bag when you have to stay in a stinky hospital for 5 nights.  I was mentally prepared for all of this to happen today...not tomorrow.  Feeling anything but positive invites and builds up on other non-positive feelings.  Right now, I'm having trouble finding the positive.

     I know the answer, I just can't seem to find the way there.  Attitude really is everything but I can't seem to change mine right now.

     I still have it better than most and not a whole lot to complain about when you get right down to it and I am grateful for that.


  1. It's interesting how they don't think you have anything else to do. I just had my doctors office call with appointments for mri and radiation oncology at the same location on two different days...geeze I still have to go to work...you guys will be sending me a bill I think.

  2. they did that to me several times but one doctor want there but two days a week. i did get them to push everything to one day and I had a cat scan, appt with the surgeon and a bone scan. The surgeon was late and it started up my last scan. I should have walked out and went to the scan. I was lucky though because I was off work anyways so I didn't really have to work around other obligations.
