Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The chair

     I'm two hours into treatment and doing well.  Two chemos down one to go.  Mom brought me a pressed Cuban from the little deli downstairs and it was Delicious (so much so that the capital is warranted).  Treatment seems to be going quickly but ask me again in another 2 hours.  A nice volunteer with a cart full of ice cream, pudding and jello came by.  I opted for the middle option on the junk food scale...chocolate pudding.  Some of my high school friends will appreciate that. :)

     Here is one for my bird savvy people.  Can you name the birds that I have colored? They are birds I have worked with and you might have to use your imagination.  Hint-the blue birds are not included in this list.

     I kicked number 4`s butt!  Then we had taco bell.  Two people complimented me on my purple beanie too.  It really is so pretty and I'll wear it even after I have hair.  Shout out to Pam Wing for sending me such a cool beanie.  Here is a better picture of the picture I made for my mom.  I used 4 different medias on this one.  I also lost my paint brush in the huge chair they have me plop down in.  It literally ate my brush because 3 people were looking for it, we moved the chair and everything around it, the cushions came out, everything.  No paint brush.  The only reasonable explanation is the chair devoured my brush.  It was cheap anyway and I have more.  Also, the Look Good lady thought I was 18!  She was noticeably taken aback when I said I was 32.  

1 comment:

  1. You do have youthful appearance! Soubds like you're staying busy even when trapped in the hungry chair! Love ya :)
