Friday, June 14, 2013

     Picked Shawn up from the airport and got some bbq.  Now we are just hanging out at home.  I taught him how to play cribbage.  Being a seasoned card player he picked it up really fast...if I taught it right.  There were a few times we could have used my father in laws expertise but we improvised.

     Yesterday, I got the shot that tells my bones to produce white cells.  It's hard to remember but I think it hurts less this time.  My goal is to not have to take any pain meds.  So as I am feeling a bit tired and sore, that's all I have for today.


  1. Enjoy your visit with Shawn..glad he could come down. Sounds like you are doing very well....and I agree with the lady who thought you were so do not look 32.
    Attitude is important...Keep it up!!!!

  2. No pain meds, that sounds like my line, your a real trouper. Keep up the awesome attitude your an inspiration as I lay here waiting for a breast biopsy.

  3. No pain meds, that sounds like my line, your a real trouper. Keep up the awesome attitude your an inspiration as I lay here waiting for a breast biopsy.

  4. Thanks Tracey! Good luck aunt Mary...keep us posted!
