Friday, May 10, 2013

    And another good day.  You wouldn't even know I had chemo yesterday.  I went out and got my nails done for the beach.  Had me some steak and shake..complete with milkshake.  I have not been there in years.  Then we went to Bealls to find mom some flip flops and I found a cute pair of sandals for me and the lady at the register gave me $10 off just because I asked if she had a coupon.  Bonus!  Quick stop at Target and home for a nap before going in to get my shot.  The nurse that took care of me was awesome and funny.  They forgot about me and he took care of everything and I was out of there 8 minutes after my scheduled appointment.  I got a little flush from the sun...really bad about sunscreen.  Other than that no sickness.  I did pull out a small chunk of hair that seemed to be attached to a small chunk of skin but no biggie.  Here are some pics of my day...
M&Ms in that shake!


  1. Love the toe nails.....sounds like things are going well...hope that stays that way. Keep up the attitude! Thinking about you everyday and keeping toes and fingers crossed..just in case that helps any..LOL!

  2. Love the toenails...... Enjoy the beach but please use the sun screen. Glad you are doing so well. Everyone sends their love.

  3. Lookin good girlie!! Glad to hear things are going good!! Xoxo

  4. great looking toes. I have to send you my bird story.

  5. You look great. Sounds like you have all kinds of support which is so helpful!! Enjoy the beach and relax,this will be over before you know it. Then back to work and you will say oh man I should have done this and that while I was off work!!

  6. Your nails look amazing!!! and i'm hungry for a burger now and its only 1030 in the morning :) haha!! Miss you!
