Tuesday, May 21, 2013

     Another good day.  We went to a bird sanctuary on the island and it was awesome.  I took many pictures, all of which I can't get off my camera yet so I have no pictures from today.  We saw many fish, crabs, birds and one rat snake.  I love mangroves and all the different plant life...just amazing and beautiful how nature works around the obstacles to survive.  She always finds a way.
     Then for lunch we discovered Joses Cuban food.  Best plantains ever!  I needed a nap after all the good food.  Then I discovered the upstairs balcony of the house we are starting in.  I read my book (almost finished) and listened to the ocean, the birds and the wind through the trees.  It was a perfect day.  I'm sad to leave tomorrow.  It has been a great visit with my second family.  It seems I luck out quite often in life.  Not only did I find the one person in the entire world that I was meant to be with but he came with an equally great family that I love dearly.  Thank you Pam and Tom and Memaw and Papau for a wonderful two weeks!
     I did find one picture from today...
this is from yesterday, shelling on long boat at sunset.
this is the one from today...look at that color scheme!
this was yesterdays sunset


  1. Mmmmm plantains, my favorite!!!
    And I think I might almost see the green flash from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie in that sunset...

  2. Its really wonderful to have inlaws you love. I have reslly good ones this time too. Bask in the love.

  3. Just thinking about you Megan. Love you sister.

  4. Your day/weekend sounds wonderful. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy every day. Your strength will return so don't worry about having a slow day after having a day of fun. There's nothing wrong with sleep- it's a wonderful part of the healing process. Gives your mind and body time to repair itself. Love you

  5. So sweet. This time away from your busy day to day life sounds like it has been fun and will continue to be enriching and very enjoyable. Not everyone is lucky enough to be given such wonderful opportunities. I love seeing you on the beach! Thanks for sharing another beautiful day with us!
