Tuesday, May 28, 2013


What the hey! I was supposed to go home today but my stupid liver decided to derp it up on its levels and now I have to stay another night.  Not cool.  I literally have everything packed. I am ready to go. I can not eat anymore hospital food.  Not even the salad.  Vanilla shakes are about all I can stand.

On a high note, I got my wig trimmed so it won't be so hot this summer.  I also got to enjoy the art center. Got in too late Thursday, Friday needed blood so couldn't leave the room. Closed Sat, Sun, and Mon.  I built a puzzle and colored a picture in my room.  I went for a couple walks and watched way too much tv.

This day did not get better.  Anticipatory nausea is a real thing and I can't seem to outwit it.  Or out medicate it.  Wish me luck for going home tomorrow.  Happy birthday to my dear friend Pam. And here is something I made today...


  1. Nemesis emesis!

    Classical conditioning... can you use your knowledge of training and Pavlov's dogs and so forth... to re-train your brain?
