Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Who is ready for the beach...

no sunscreen required                


     This girl!

     I did put sunscreen on my face, neck and feet.  I think this is the way to go to the beach from now on.  I hate putting on sunscreen and especially reapplying after you have gone in the ocean.  Sand is always involved in the second application and I inevitably miss a spot which burns causing discomfort for the next few days.  So fully clothed and hidden under a huge hat is my new way of beaching it.

     I bought a couple new beanies today.  I made the mistake of asking about wigs and the lady wouldn't shut up about it.  It's because wigs are where the money is at.  Wigs are expensive.  She kept telling me how I need one for going out to feel normal.  If I go out to eat with my husband or a group of people, I am not going to care about my lack of hair.  I think the beanie look is really nice.  I think it also might save a cook spitting in my food when I ask for special treatment.  I am not trying to hide the fact that I'm going through chemo.  Everybody knows we are dealing with it and I'm not concerned with the people that don't.  Then she tried to sell me more beanies.  One of which looked like it may have been used...ew!   I got what I wanted and got out of there. 

     So mostly a good day.  I'm feeling a few crummy things now but I just pay attention to what my body is telling me and follow suit accordingly.  It might be a pain pill kind of night but they give me such action packed dreams that I wake up in the middle of the night all tense and heart racing.  Last night someone was chasing me.  I woke up before he caught me but I was all parkouring hedges and walls and stuff.  Kind of cool but it made me wake up with the same headache I took it for in the first place.  This is why I mostly don't agree with taking medicine for your ailments. 

Here are some more pics of my day...

so many birds out there and a few pelicans...sorry my camera sucks


  1. Love the beach get up. That hat rocks! :)

    Girl, you don't need to worry about a wig. Like you said, your friends and family know what you're going through. So, unless you're trying to hide it or just need it for your comfort, don't worry about it. However, I know saying good bye to long beautiful hair can be hard. But, hey! It'll grow back, it may be a different color, but it will grow back. :) I've heard people say that they even had better hair after chemo. A principal who I worked with went through chemo and her hair came back in a different color and she said she had a better head of hair. haha

    Love you, girl! Glad you're still able to enjoy the beach. :)

  2. That hat is adorable. I burn so easy I spend most of my time covered up when in the sun so I sympathize with the sunscreen issue. Love the beach pictures.

  3. You look fabulous Megan!!! Your little blogs sure make me laugh or smile.
    And see I told you you had a nice shaped head. How did it feel on the pillow??? LOL!!!
