Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de mayo and I get no Mexican food:(

It's ok though...we have some healthy homemade chili with chips and I just learned I can still eat my favorite salsa!  So I am all set...don't even want a beer. 
I just tried on my new beanies today...don't know why I took so long.  I love them!  Courtesy of my husband and his mom.  So cute! I feel all downton abby-ish.  I can't believe we have to wait until next year for the new season...don't they know that now is a good time for me to be watching the new season?!


  1. I LOVE stuff like that. Now you just need some hippy clothes. ;) I love that style.

  2. Ooo La La you sexy little devil. That purple beanie is really pretty. It suits you very well. You look good in purple.

    Hi Mom!

  3. Looking good! There will be lots more opportunities to celebrate and have some yummy mexican! so happy you can still enjoy your fav salsa :)

  4. You are blessed with a hat face...looking good!
