Thursday, May 9, 2013

     Round two goes to...ME!  I feel really good.  Almost "buzzed", energetic and tingly.  I am sure that is the steroid but none the less, I'm not vomiting so that is a plus.  I have a bunch of meds for nausea too so I don't think that is going to be a problem.  I do have to get a shot tomorrow that can cause bone pain but it might not so I'm leaning towards that. 

     So my day...labs in the morning and a meeting with my doctor.  He had nothing but good news.  He said enjoy the beach (just stay out of the sun:/) and that if I feel good in a week we can skip the appointment.  We all went home and waited til 1:00 for me to check into the infusion center.  We arrive early of course.  The lady tells me my chair time is scheduled for 1:30 and that they are running behind.  I say no big deal, I don't have anything else going on today.  I return to my mother at the puzzle table. We pretty much finish the puzzle with the exception of missing pieces.  I don't remember how many pieces the puzzle was...maybe 500.  We get called back and I glance at the's 2:30!  I really get into puzzles.  I had no idea an hour had passed.  She wasn't kidding when they said they were behind.  So the lady starts me on premeds and says it will be 4 hours.  I am not sure what happened because she was pretty much on time with the bags but we did not leave there until 8pm!  I guess I really wasn't doing anything else.  It's also better than staying in the hospital overnight and we were not the last ones to leave either.  One guy had to drive back to Ocala (hour and a half north).  This is how you stay positive...someone somewhere in the world has it worse than you no matter what your circumstance.

2:30pm This is my chemo chair

turkey sandwich compliments of the hospital.  If you can't eat lettuce but love the crunch biting into a sandwich I recommend potato chips.

6:00pm when I found out I had another hour and a half which turned in to 2 hours.
     12 more rounds to go!


  1. You and mom should work on one of those mosaic puzzles. They are a little more challenging and come out looking pretty sweet.

    When I was younger I use to put cheese doritos on ham sandwiches. Oh they were so goooood.

    Have fun in Santa Maria!! The sun is no good for you anyhow with that milky Irish skin. :)

    Glad you are pulling through all this with ease.

    Love ya!

  2. I thought I was the only person I knew who sometimes put chips in the sandwich! We used to do it when we went to the beach as a treat when we were kids :)

    Can you do puzzles, cards, or such while you are in the chair? (which looks fairly comfy for sitting for several hours)

  3. So glad you're doing so well! Love ya!
