Friday, May 3, 2013

     So about 4:30 am the tinkle fairy woke me up and I mean I was wide awake!  I checked my vitals, ate some pizza, brushed my teeth and eventually got back in bed and just lay there, awake.  It's ok because I have the flexibility to sleep and wake whenever I feel the need.  That is not the case for Jeremy however who is not on "vacation" and has to go about his normal daily life and deal with me being a "derp" as he would call it.  Love him so much.  Months ago, if he woke me up in the middle of the night and I had to go to work the next morning I would be less than happy.  Today we had a conversation 3 hours before he had to go to work and you all know once you are talking, falling back asleep is nearly impossible.  He is the most wonderful man.  I am truly a lucky girl. 

     I am feeling extra lucky because I feel good.  I almost feel normal-ish.  I'm certainly not going to run any races but I feel like getting stuff done today.  I keep waiting for that run down feeling and hair loss, like it is creeping up just around the corner.  I'm getting tired of waiting.  If my hair doesn't fall out soon then I am going to have to figure out how to do my new hair.  I haven't posted any pictures lately because my hair is a mess.  I slept on a wet head and it is just...well I don't have to tell you ladies what happens when you wake up in the morning.  I am motivated today though to fix it, so will post a picture later.  (How many times did I use the word 'feel' in that last paragraph...chemo brain)

     Things to do today...packing!  We are moving next month and have lots of packing to do.  I'm glad I have my mom here to help.  I hate packing the kitchen stuff.  I also have to fax some stuff to the insurance company so that will require me leaving the house...we will see if that happens.  First thing is first, Price is Right (children's addition).  

Love to all!!


  1. I am grateful and thankful and hopeful that you feel goid and stay that way! I am really enjoying your blog and updates! And so happy you and Jeremy are so awesome! He is great! Love you both and mom!

  2. Glad to hear you are doing well. Jay is pretty fantastic.. Love you both

  3. All in good time Megan. Remember not every one does the same thing. You are doing all things right, sure minimizes the side effects. Your hair will fall out, most likely 2-3 weeks, so if that gives you time to put your bows in, now might be a good time :)
    I feel the love you have for Jeremy, so nice to have that support and I am sure he wants to spend any kind of time with you, no matter what time of the day it is!! It will be fun for you to look back on your posts in a few months to watch your progress.
    So happy all things are going well for you. Keep up the good work.
