Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

     Yesterday was good.  It was busy-ish.  I had breakfast with my babe at one of our favorite places...way too early.  I woke up at 4:30am and was wide awake again.  He said if I was still up in an hour we would go to breakfast.  I really tried to fall back to sleep but I couldn't.  So I putzed around for awhile before waking him up again.  He is a good man.  I got to see some friends after breakfast that I hadn't seen in too long.  It was nice to catch up and we got the run down of the place we are moving into next month.  I am excited!   I took two naps yesterday before mom and I drove out to Anna Maria to meet up with Jeremy and the family.  It was a very relaxing evening and I fell asleep before I could write in the blog.

     Today I am feeling some effects.  The hair is going (got in some family pictures first) tomorrow.  It is coming out in clumps and it's yucky.  So tomorrow I am going to find a fantastic sams or something and have them shave it.  Also, my teeth hurt which makes chewing difficult but the pain meds make me fuzzy so I am pretty much just out of it for most of the day.  I slept most of the day away.  That was not what I wanted to do for mother's day.  I had plans to celebrate the best moms in the world today.  Instead, they ended up taking care of me in true mom fashion.  I am a lucky girl.  Feeling much better now but not 100%.

     I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day and weekend.  Love to all! 


  1. Well Megan I think I told you that you have a nice shaped head....and you need to get some pics with your Dad...LOL!!! And remember I think when your hair comes back it will be curlier...not sure how you feel about that but my Mom liked hers she said it had more body. Keep up the good vibes!!!!

  2. It's nice the one person in the world that you needed, your mom, was there for you. Makes sense on mother's day! Pudding and yogart, soft stuff for your teeth problem. Stay strong! Love your picture of the Jeremy and kitty!
