Tuesday, May 7, 2013

     Well good morning (she said with sarcasm).  Jeremy's cat decided...no, I can't even believe there was a decision there...he just bowled through my cup of coffee.  See, I like to make a little breakfast and a cup of coffee, get back in bed and watch a show on the DVR before I start my day.  I don't do this every morning but I did this morning.  There my coffee sat on my shelf, next to my clock and a few other items.  If it had been Mr. Kitty, he would have looked at the shelf to see how he best fit with the objects and he may have even chosen the shelf below or above that have more room/less objects.  Charlie, however doesn't understand that concept.  He is such a spaz that I am surprised the objects on the shelf didn't scare him and send him flying out of the room just by being there.  Instead, he jumped right up into the cup of coffee with his front feet.  His back feet never made it and he fell back onto the bed.  This shelf is not high or far from the bed.  It is the perfect distance to comfortably reach your cup without having to twist or turn in a weird way while you watch tv.  It is also low enough that if a cat just took a second and looked at the shelf before jumping he might not make that jump.  He could just walk onto the shelf if he was a calm, collected cat like Mr. Kitty.  Maybe there is something truly wrong with Charlie.  A chemical imbalance in the brain, partial blindness...I'm not sure but it might be worth looking into.

     So today I am washing the sheets, the duvet cover, the bed skirt and our comforter.  Laundry all day.  Thank you Charlie

Another incident comes to mind when Charlie was younger.  We had some leftover queso in a tupperware container.  I think it was Brian and I and we set it on a side table no bigger than the container itself.  We were just munching on chips and cheese in front of the tv and what does Charlie do...he jumps onto the table.  Remember the table was no bigger than the container.  All four paws direct in the queso.  That is where Charlie got the addition to his name.  Charlie Wilson 'queso' Watson Wing.  I guess he didn't learn.


  1. I think Charles is all about keeping you on your toes. He definately keeps you moving.

  2. Loved the queso story!! Charles is most definitely one special kitty!

  3. These kinds of stories are why I admire cats from afar!! Like in someone elses home....

  4. Cute story. I will think of some I can share too. For the near future
