Friday, May 3, 2013

     What a day!  I got to see my nephew Joey, packed several boxes with the help of my mom, had a delicious pot roast dinner...complete with carrot cake courtesy of Jen, caught up with an old friend and finished the night being serenaded on the keyboard by my niece Eisley. 

     Now I am feeling full and sleepy.  Tomorrow we might go out of the house...we will see how it goes in the morning.  I feel like I did a lot today which seems absolutely ridiculous to say when I compare it to what I used to do in a day.  Excited for what tomorrow will bring!

Love to all!


  1. So glad you had a good day Sweetie!

  2. Good morning Megan I hope you have a great day thinking of you say hi to mom. Stay positive! Love Donna

  3. Glad you're feeling good and having great days!
