Thursday, May 2, 2013

     Still doing well.  Pizza seems to be my chemo food of choice.  We made a digourno supreme rising crust last night and I can eat it for the next day before it has to be tossed.  Pizza is a good source of meat, vegetables, dairy and bread.  It is not what I am used to but since I can't have a salad or anything cold for that matter, I'm stuck with a little unhealthy eating.  Open to suggestions on that front.  No more Moe's salsa bar...I love salsa.  I wonder, is salsa I buy at the store and sits in my fridge OK?  So many questions.  Jeremy got me this green juice that is full of's interesting.  It's liking drinking pineapple juice and then all of a sudden corn or some such vegetable I can't quite figure out.  The important thing is that I give my body what it needs and that is healthy food.  No eggs over easy.  I miss the crunch of vegetables and fruit.  I'm blaming my bouncing around/disorganized thoughts on chemo's a real thing.  Everything is just kind of hazy.  I feel I can capitalize on this much like an older person uses their age to say inappropriate things.  It would take minimal work and attention which is more than I feel like spending so I probably won't.  Now I have done a thing I dislike doing and have forgone all structure in writing and grammar.  I'm sure there should be a paragraph somewhere in this mess...chemo brain.  As long as I don't start messing up there, their and they're...that irritates me when I see that.

     I had to give myself a shot in the belly today.  I wasn't very good at it.  I went slow and the needle didn't go in all the way but I could feel the stuff so I know it's in there.  The needle is really long and I just prefer to not shove the whole thing in there. 

     Saw some friends last night.  It was nice to hear what is happening outside of the bubble.  Everyone looks good and is doing well.  I like hearing that stuff.  Feel free to fill me in on what's going on anytime.  I am open to email, comments, texts and phone calls. 

That's all for now.


  1. I finally figured out this thing!! LOL.

    Megs, this is one of the many reasons I love you. You are one of the strongest people I know. You never cease to amaze me. I think creating this blog was a perfect idea. I love following you to stay updated with your efforts and progress.

    Love you mucho!

  2. You are an amazing person Megan. Stay your usual upbeat self and you will get through all this. Interesting your comment about pizza, with my mom about the only food she didn't have trouble with was Wendys single cheeseburgers.

    Love and prayers to all....Tacey

    1. I'm going to put Wendy's cheeseburgers in my back pocket, along with the fried chicken and watermelon suggestion from another friend. I appreciate knowing what people went through and little tips like this so keep them coming. Thanks Tace!

  3. Hi Megan,
    I finally have been able to get into your blog since the first day! Guy sent me a link he had and it opens direct to you! All of this HIGH TECH COMPUTER things confuse the heck out of me. Ask your mom how I get frantic! But I am very happy you have such a wonderful outlook! Keep it up, it will be the best for you.Stay strong and positive! I know your kitty is happy you are home. My thoughts and prayers are with you my dear. Please let me know if you need anything. Sending prayers and love your way!

  4. Hey Megan,
    So glad you are home!! I am not understanding your dietary restrictions? What is the injection you are giving yourself? I think it might by Neupogen to help your white blood cell count?
    Enjoy your beautiful days there and blog away. Sounds like you will have some company soon!!

    1. It is neupogen that I give myself. Today went much better. You just have to get over the initial stabbing yourself with a sharp object. There is so much information regarding the diet. It is slightly overwhelming because I am afraid I am going to screw something up, but I'll get it eventually.

  5. Hey Megan!

    Your blog is really awesome. You are quite the techie! Green juice huh? Sounds delish! Lol. I just wanted to tell you I love you much. Oh and by the way if you haven't played candy crush yet you might want to give that a whirl. I was totally addicted for awhile.

    1. I keep getting invites for this candy crush. I might have to look into it. We have to get together soon. I miss you and you are so's silly. Thanks for the love lady!

    2. you just let me know! Now that I am done with my college stuff I have TONS o' time. :) I would love to see you soon...i have some funny student stories to tell you.

  6. Also get on pinterest if you haven't yet for all sorts of do it yourself projects, recipes, crafts, home improvements, cake decorating, wall art display, bonsai garden get the idea. You want to find it...someone already did the work for you! So glad you sound so well. And getting past having to stab yourself with a needle is very immpressive. Love ya!
