Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Going home

So this guy stops by and plops a toucan beanie babie on my tray and offers me any kind of snack I want.  I went with peanuts because my doc said I shouldn't eat candy bars because of spiking sugars or something.  I don't remember all of it but the important part was not to eat them.  Here is my toucan...funny thing is the toucan is the one animal at Busch gardens that I have the hardest time with.  He doesn't like brunettes.

We made it and I've got my good little snuggle bug next to me keeping me warm.  It's like he knows something is up.  He stays away from my face and just tucks in to my cubby hole.

Charles on the other hand just wanders around crying as usual.  He is such a weirdo!


  1. Hope you're feeling well sister. We're thinking about you. Love you!!!!

  2. So happy to see you are home! One down! You got this!!!

  3. Bet Sir and Charles are happy to have you home!

  4. What a nice thing, the tucan gift, and maybe he will like you soon. If your hair is different I mean :)I Hope all is going well at home!
