Wednesday, May 8, 2013

     Lost a very special animal yesterday.  Atlas was an african serval I had the pleasure of working with and learning from for the past 5 years.  I wasn't there/couldn't be there so I don't know why the decision was made but I expect to hear about that soon.  The last time I saw him, he didn't even look my way when I called his name.  This is good because trainers have a tendency to project feelings and relationships with the animals they train that are one sided.  If I had been in his habitat with him, he would have acted differently and had I been one of his other trainers he may have acted differently still.  I make it a point to not get attached to the animals I work with but I got attached to this one. 

     On a happy note, I'm feeling good still.  I go in for my second cycle tomorrow.  I am anxious to see how my body reacts.  Either way, I'll be recovering near the beach so it won't be all bad.  Anna Maria here we come!


  1. So sorry about Atlas Sweetie! Our good thoughts will be with you tomorrow as we head south on 75!
    AMI Baby!!

  2. Hate that we can't be there!! Best of luck my love tomorrow!!

  3. Megan,
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow. So happy for you, you are doing so well!

  4. Aw, so sorry for the loss of Atlas. :( That's so sad.

    I sure hope your treatment went well today and you're handling it well. :) Love you, cuz!
